Anger / An Motivational Story

Anger / An Motivational Story

Anger is the cause of collapse. As you have seen, those people are angry take the wrong steps. Those who harm themselves.

Friends, today I am going to present to you an inspiring story called Anger. 

The story starts from here...

Once upon a time. A snake has entered the house. The house where a saw was placed. The snake hits the saw and gets injured. As soon as the snake gets hurt, the snake starts to panic. The snake makes an attack on that saw in anger. Snake attacks a sharp saw, injuring him even more. And starts bleeding all over his body. The snake gets even more angry.

Then, according to his behavior, the snake try to wrap the saw. He tries his best to kill it. What happened next was that the snake was completely injured due to his anger and arrogance. And the next day at home, a snake was found wrapped in a sharp saw. Snakes have not died for any other reason. Instead, he became a victim of his own anger or arrogance. Which brought the snake to it death.

Friends, t
his story teaches us a big lesson about the harm caused by anger. Sometimes in anger we try to harm others. But as time passes, we finally realize that we have suffered the most.

Even today, there is a lot of anger among people. And even in small matters they shout out in anger. Which hurts not only our mental strength but also our health. So learn to control anger. Be tolerant. Which will create a peaceful society.

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