Saturday, November 28, 2020

Do not sleep overnight? Let's know why this happens.


Many times it happens that you keep turning overnight, but you do not sleep. This happens daily with some people. It may be due to stress, or due to insomnia. But this problem needs to be fixed immediately. The reason for this is that long term insomnia can make you a victim of many physical and mental illnesses. People who do not get good sleep at night, they are at increased risk of obesity, lack of memory, diabetes and many other diseases in the long run. So it is very important to get at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night. If you too change your bedside and wait for hours to sleep, then we are telling you 5 such tips, which will make you sleep deeper and better immediately.

Do bracing (breath-related) exercises

Breathing exercise, that is, breathing exercises increases blood circulation to your brain and increases oxygen levels. This reduces your stress and helps you sleep faster. To do this, while lying down, take a deep breath in and then release. While breathing, all your attention should be on your incoming breath. During this time, if you want, you can also count 1,2,3,4 ... count. This will make you sleep well immediately.

Twist your thoughts sleep

The problem with a lot of people is that they keep thinking repeatedly about some important event of the day, job related work or something very important, due to which they do not sleep. At such a time, if you learn to control and twist your thoughts, then you will soon fall into deep sleep. For example, if you are worried about something related to your job, stop forcing your brain to think about it and turn to an idea that will make you happy, like the last time you did something during the holidays, Have traveled somewhere, met someone or thought of doing something good the next weekend. When you twist your thoughts like this, slowly your eyelids will start getting cumbersome and you will get good sleep.

If there is any other problem, fix it

Many times people do not sleep due to any external reason, such as - the temperature of the room is low or high, there is a constant noise, there is pain in the feet, there is a bed bug or any other external problem. In such a situation, do not ignore this problem for a long time because you will be disturbed by it again and again and you will not sleep. Therefore, you should do this by first getting up and ending that external cause, so that you get a good sleep.

Get up from bed and take a walk

Sometimes it happens that you feel that you will sleep, but your body is not ready for sleep. So at such a time, it is better to wake up in bed and walk a little in the room or indoors. Also do stretching and stretch your limbs slightly, stretch and jump. After 20-30 minutes of doing this, when you lie in bed, you will get good sleep immediately.

Try sleeping apps

For both Android and Apple, you will get many such apps that will help you sleep. Usually in these apps you are meditated, or some quiet melody is played, which relaxes your brain and makes you sleep well in a short time. There are also some apps that make you practice deep breath exercises mentioned above. You can also use such apps if you want.
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About NP Creation

I have shared, Love Story, A Few Words, Motivational Story, Health Tips, Information, Love Letters, Poems, Videos, Articles, Motivational Words etc.

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