Which is better honey or sugar with milk?

Which is better honey or sugar with milk?

Drinking milk is also very beneficial for health. But drinking only normal milk seems very strange, so people drink it after sweetening it. Normally people add sugar to it or someone drinks milk with jaggery. But not only with sugar and jaggery, but many people also consume milk with honey. Let us tell you that the consumption of honey is also very beneficial in itself. In such a situation, a question comes in the mind of people. Is it right to drink milk mixed with sugar or honey.

Actually, if you look from a health point of view, then it is better to drink milk mixed with honey instead of sugar. And it does not have a bad effect on your health. Because sugar is a natural sweetener. Therefore it does not have side effects.

Sugar contains a lot of calories. And it does not contain any nutrients. Along with this, sugar also affects your digestive system and also invites diseases like obesity and diabetes. Talking about honey, it strengthens your digestive system and helps in digestion.

Mixing honey with milk helps you lose weight. Honey has antioxidant properties. Which control body weight. Along with this, it also increases your immunity. You do not get all these benefits by using sugar.

Let us tell you that if you are consuming honey with milk. So do not mix honey in very hot milk. This will destroy the nutrients of honey. Always mix honey in lukewarm milk and consume milk. But if you have any complaint like diabetes, then stay away from both honey and sugar.

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