Think big then see. An Motivational Story.

A poor boy lived in a village. The financial condition of his house was not good. Poor family members with difficulty trained them for graduation but due to rising unemployment in the country, the poor did not get a job.

Even two time bread could not be made at home. Once that boy was going to interview the city by bus. He had nothing special to eat. There were four loaves in a small tiffin and there was no vegetable at all.

The bus was going at its own pace. When the boy was hungry, he opened his tiffin which contained only loaves. He took out the loaves from the tiffin and broke the piece of bread and put it in the tiffin as if there was a vegetable in that tiffin and then he started eating a piece of bread. When he saw a man nearby, he felt very strange.

The boy then took a piece of bread and put it in tiffin as if there is a vegetable in tiffin and then started eating bread. Now some people were surprised to see his action that Tiffin is empty but why is he doing it again and again as if he is eating bread from vegetable.

In this case, a man could not stay, so he asked the boy that brother, your tiffin is empty, then why are you eating a piece after putting it?

The boy said, I know that this tiffin is empty but I have thought that this tiffin has pickle and I am eating bread with pickle.

Then the man asked if you could taste the pickle by doing this, then the boy said - Yes, I am tasting the pickle, I feel this bread tasty because I think it tastes of pickle. 

In the meantime, someone made a voice from behind - Hey brother, when you had to think, think of pea cheese or Shahi paneer, at least the taste of cheese would have come, all the passengers sitting nearby laughed on hearing this.

Rightly the person said, oh when you have to think, think big, what is the benefit of thinking small?

This is not only an anecdote but also a magical trick. Think big, then see that you will start getting results too big.

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