Tuesday, December 8, 2020

The mystery of life. Let's discuss it today.


  1. Why does a criminal commit a crime?
  2. Is the purpose of his crime ??
  3. Why does a saint serve?
  4. What is the purpose of serving him?
  5. Why am I writing this blog ??
  6. What is the purpose of writing my blog ??
  7. Why are you reading this blog ??
  8. What is your purpose in reading this blog ??

A criminal, a saint, I, you, or anyone in this world, whatever they do, has the ultimate objective - happiness. Everyone always wants to be happy.

A thief steals because he thinks he will get money from it, which will give him happiness.

A sant spends his entire life for the good of others because he feels that he will get happiness from it.

Both a saint and a criminal want to be happy, but why do they have different paths ??

Do you know what is the biggest secret of our life: -
The biggest secret of our life is that "we do not know ourselves", perhaps we do not know our nature or basic nature or perhaps we are unaware of even knowing.

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About NP Creation

I have shared, Love Story, A Few Words, Motivational Story, Health Tips, Information, Love Letters, Poems, Videos, Articles, Motivational Words etc.

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