God has made every human being the same - two hands, two legs, two eyes, two ears, and a very brilliant brain. But every person's life is different. Some people continue to get success in the journey of life and the life of some people goes through the darkness of despair and sorrows. The only reason for this is "perspective".
Our perspective determines how we look at life. Our attitude determines how we accept the circumstances and how we respond to those situations. The attitude does not become self by itself, rather we build our vision continuously through our thoughts. Our attitude is formed as we think.
How to develop a positive attitude
Whenever negative thoughts start coming into your brain, stop thinking about that immediately. And think of something for at least 21 seconds that will develop a new positive feeling in you. Only this much time is enough to change your perspective. Practice it continuously. By doing this, you will start thinking positively and after a few days of practice, it will also become your habit.
A person pursuing his dreams always has to make his own way and walk away from the crowd. In the journey alone, "fear of failure" dominates him many times, but every time he has to eradicate fear with his courage.
Courage and stubbornness create a magical talisman in front of which all obstacles are automatically overcome.